Have you ever come to a stage in your spiritual experience when it seemed a heavy burden and you began to consider letting it all go and reverting to life before you became a Christian? Back then you did not have to consider things like discipline and responsibilities like you have to now. Do you remember how you did not attempt to restrain yourself? If you felt irritated, you let your temper fly. If you were tired, you did not hesitate to consider your own convenience first. If you felt resentful against another, you indulged your hatred to your heart’s content. That temptation has come to most of us, and some have yielded and gone back, only to discover after a short time that it was because the old way proved impossible that they turned to Christ’s way in the first instance. Whenever we begin to doubt the value of the higher way, it is generally because we are facing some new discipline which we are afraid or unwilling to meet. When we are afraid or refuse to go forward, the most natural thing is to try to go back. Before we can go back we have to make the old way attractive to our minds. We try to believe that the old days and the old ways were easier. It is all a mistake, as we quickly discover. The only way for the Christian is forward. Face your hurdle. God gives the strength you need. Let’s follow the scripture in Philippians chapter three verses 13 & 14, “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead. I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.”