
Old Meeting House Congregational Church (1643)

The Best Hidden Church in Norwich

The sign of a lively faith

One of the signs of spiritual vitality is that we start to take responsibility for the work of God. Whenever our relationship to God becomes important in our daily lives we find ourselves under obligation to make the good news known to others. We can express the feelings that St Paul had when he said “Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel.” It is not common these days to see people preaching at street corners, we might not agree with this method of evangelism but we can understand the faith that burns within these people to proclaim as best they can the truth which has enriched their own lives. Sadly, many good Christian people these days are afraid of interfering with other people’s affairs. Yet unless someone had gone beyond that point of hesitation, Christianity would never have come to Britain. The Church is rich in the gathered experience of its saints. The day has surely come to make those treasures available and remind this nation of its spiritual heritage. One of the most urgent tasks before the Church today is to teach its members to translate the gold of their experience of God into current coin. Men and women are hungering for the truth which the Church knows. As they are not coming to Church to hear the message; the message must therefore be carried to them by the people who have learned Christ’s secret. Do we feel any responsibility for telling others the truth as found in the Bible? If not what excuse can we offer our Lord?


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