Even though I am a Pastor, I still have a great deal to learn about prayer. But what means most to me is to have a constant companion whom I can talk to at any time, who is always listening, who never gets fed up with me and who never repeats what I have told Him. His advice may be hard to accept at times, but I’ve come to trust Him enough to know that He has nothing but my well-being at heart.
I recently found the following testimony from a woman living in London very encouraging and I pray that you do as well. She shared how her trusting relationship was severely tested. One night armed robbers broke into her house where she was with her husband. She recalls that she had never in her life been so petrified. When she realised that the telephone wires had been cut and that they could do nothing to defend themselves, she knelt down with her husband and prayed. Whilst she had always believed that God was all powerful, she couldn’t see how He could help them in this situation – unless He came into their bedroom and stood at the door with a gun.
The robbers came in her room and told them to lie on their beds and cover their heads with the sheets. For a moment she thought her fears were going to come true. However, she recounted that they were strangely calm and did not panic. When the robbers had gone with many of their belongings, it gradually dawned on them that they were still alive and totally unharmed. Worldly possessions seemed to lose all value; what was precious beyond words was the love and protection of a trustworthy and constant companion