What is GRACE? It is an experience unsought and unasked for. A bolt out of the blue. It is an unmerited favour to one who deserves the opposite. It cannot be earned. Nothing to do with human effort. Nothing to do with human thought or intellect. Cuts right across any doctrine that purports one can achieve maturity by one’s own efforts. Its mainspring is centred in the very depths of God. It is one of those unsearchable riches which twentieth-century science cannot define. It is not intended for good men. They have no need of it. It is intended for wayfaring men, even fools, and for the un-able. To them is given an ability which is not their own.
Remarkable was the vision of the prophets down the ages as they soared over the mountains of human thought. Some peered into the very gates of heaven. But it was Jesus Christ, the day-star, whose light eclipsed them all – full of grace and truth. It is not until we cease from our own efforts and submit to His guidance that we are raised into the sphere of Grace’s operation. It is then that life becomes abundant, vital and purposeful.