Surely it must be to empty your mind of thoughts and think about nothing. Have you ever tried to do that? When you try this I am certain that you will find all kinds of thoughts just popping into your mind as if from nowhere. The more you try to stop them, the more they seem to come. The Bible instructs us to “be still and know” and we are recommended to have regular quiet times. But can you keep an effective “quite time”? It is comparatively easy to spend, say an hour, quietly reading the Bible or some kind of devotional literature, but for real effectiveness we must during that period be definitely in touch with God in conscious and living communion. Many of us when we try to be silent before God find our minds in a perfect tumult of ideas. Instead of being at rest our minds are centres of swiftly-flashing thoughts. We do not know how to be still enough to get into touch with God. It is sometimes useful to select a number of texts which speak of God’s gift of rest and peace. Repeat these over several times until a sense of quietness falls upon the mind. If we then lay hold on some large and luminous thought of God, and hold our minds resolutely to it for several minutes we shall be surprised to discover how deeply that thought becomes built into our personality. We have to learn to be still and know God. One of the most effective elements in the quiet hour is this period of stillness when we are conscious only of ourselves and God. It is then that we learn most about God, and of His power to keep, sustain, and guide us through the entire day. “O rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, and He shall give you your heart’s desire.”